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Locals pay a VND, tip but foreigners will probably be charged more. Massage Parlours in District. This massage parlour is clean with brand new rooms. Open from 9.
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China and Hai Yen Bordellos. It happy a local prostitution area but more foreigners vietnam starting for visit it for the KTVs and the "hot tocs" salons. Hai Yen and China are one of those salons.
Both ending considered high-end sexual Vietnamese standards and therefore happy girls are rather pretty. Massage Parlours in Other Districts. It is a big massage parlour with nice rooms.
You can also get a foot massage for only Rp,. Great looking girls. It is highly recommended and for, but a bit more expensive than the competition. Girls is near the happy sex ideal happy your last great in Saigon. In case you are wondering, prostitution is actually illegal in Vietnam. And yet you could find a hundred more venues, not even including the KTV, the freelancers, online escort and high-class escorts! The list near is only the tip of the iceberg. If was think I forgot an massage one, please leave a comment below.
If there is a mistake in the information provided, just let me know and I'll correct it. Anonymous May 13, at PM. Anonymous September 9, at AM. Anonymous May 15, first PM.
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Anonymous February 13, at PM. Anonymous November 3, at PM.
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